A financial and programmatic accounting of a grantee's implementation of its NYSCA grants. Failure to submit a final report will result in ineligibility to receive further NYSCA support.
A New York State non-profit organization that applies to NYSCA on behalf of individual artists or unincorporated arts organizations or groups. The fiscal sponsor accepts responsibility to serve as a fiscal conduit for a NYSCA-funded project, receiving and disbursing funds related to the grant, and administering the requirements throughout the NYSCA grant process, including final reporting of grant activity. The unincorporated artist or group completes the project activity.
As a public agency, NYSCA is subject to New York State's Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Information concerning the NYSCA grant process (with some exceptions, such as salary information) is subject to public view.
The evaluative qualities, detailed in statute, that the Council uses in determining which projects are funded. The three Council-wide evaluative criteria may be expanded in discipline categories with specialized requirements.