"Fugitive Color"

Opening reception: April 21st, 2023 5 - 8 p.m. with an artist talk at 6. The exhibition will be open from April 21st until June 3rd.

An Exhibition by Tatiana Ryckman

For the last year, resident artist Tatiana Ryckman has been foraging for natural pigments – in the wild, in the garden, and in the compost. After creating a dye bath, pigment can be precipitated from the water through a chemical process. It's then washed, dried, and used to create watercolors, oil paints and printing inks.
For her residency with Book Arts, Ryckman has brought inks, dyes, and laked pigments out of their host flora and onto paper. The varied results of this experimentation are artifacts of process and material exploration, an experiment that continues as each work changes in relation to time and new environments. With few exceptions, natural pigments will not last forever. The name for this volatility in the face of light, humidity, and other environmental factors is fugitive.
5:00 p.m. Until 8:00 PM
WNY Book Arts Center
Buffalo, NY
Ticket Price: free

468 Washington St
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

(716) 348-1430