Our Mission

To foster and advance the full breadth of New York State’s arts, culture, and creativity for all.

Our Process

NYSCA upholds the right of all New Yorkers to experience the vital contributions the arts make to our communities, education, economic development and quality of life. NYSCA funding supports the visual, literary, media and performing arts and includes dedicated support for arts education and underserved communities. NYSCA further advances New York's creative culture by hosting convenings with leaders in the field and providing organizational and professional development opportunities and informational resources.


Doug Varone and Dancers
$222.5 Million in Grants Awarded

NYSCA has already awarded $90 million in FY 2023 to support artists and arts and culture organizations.  Our Capital Projects Fund awarded a total of $132.5 million! 

Over 1,600 Organizations

For FY2023, NYSCA awarded 1,614 direct grants, 100 more than FY22 and 400 more than FY21. Regrants for artists and organizations, awarded through regional arts organizations, will be announced throughout the year.



15 Funding Areas

NYSCA supports visual, literary, performing, and media arts, arts education, and individual artists.

Institute for Electronic Arts
Architectural League of New York

NYSCA Values:

  • The vast diversity of New York State communities.
  • Equitable engagement with the arts for people of all ages and inclusive of all backgrounds.
  • Access to the full breadth of arts and culture.
  • The vital role that arts and culture play in the health of the economy and people.
  • The constant evolution of artmaking and creative practice.
  • Creativity as a community asset.
426 Artists

Through our Support for Artists Program, NYSCA awarded 426 artists for FY2023.

MM Serra New American Cinema Group
National Guild artist
MCC Students
130 New Jobs

For 2020, NYSCA created and expanded 130 jobs and workforce training programs.

$92M in Capital Funding

Since 2018, NYSCA has awarded 302 capital grants, totaling $92 million, across all 10 state regions through the support of the Governor and Legislature.