FY2025 Panelist Handbook (password protected)
For lists of current panelists, please consult the individual discipline pages linked here.
About the Role
Advisory panels play a key role in NYSCA’s grant evaluation process. NYSCA selects a diverse group of professionals from across the state to fulfill the advisory panelist role. Panelists’ expertise spans a range of artistic practices as well as many facets of non-profit management. Advisory panelists must demonstrate expertise in at least one of NYSCA’s evaluation criteria, which are Creativity, Public Service and Managerial & Financial.
Each year, NYSCA solicits nominations from NYSCA staff, Council members, current panelists, current grantees, and the public. Self-nominations are accepted. The advisory panels evaluate and rate each grant application according to opportunity evaluation criteria providing in the NYSCA opportunity guidelines. All NYSCA panelists are required to complete a panelist training webinar. Panelists are paid per day of panel participation.
Term: April 1 to March 31
Members may be reappointed for a term of up to three years. A panelist serving three consecutive years is typically not reappointed.
Location of Panel Meetings: All FY2025 panels will be conducted virtually.
Selection Process and Requirements: Nominations to serve are due by July 22, 2024, to be considered for panel service this year.
Please note that NYSCA accepts nominations on a rolling basis, however, nominations received after July 22, 2024, may not be eligible for panel service during this calendar year.
All panelists must be New York State residents for the duration of their service period. Applicants with other significant New York State activity will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Advisory panelists will be recommended by the NYSCA staff with the approval of the Council. Approved panelists will be notified by letter.
Advisory panelists are required to act with utmost impartiality with respect to the evaluation and rating of applications and to protect panel deliberations from any potential conflict of interest or the appearance of such a conflict. Panelists will be required to acknowledge any affiliations with organizations making applications to the Council and must comply with New York State Ethics Laws.
Can my organization (or I) apply for a NYSCA grant if I serve as a Panelist?
Yes. If a panelist works for an organization, the organization can still apply. The Panelist will note that organization as COI (Conflict of Interest) and recuse themselves from any related deliberations. If an artist wants to serve as a Panelist for Support for Artists and apply, they will not serve on that panel the year of their application.
How to submit a nomination:
To make a nomination, submit a completed Nomination Form and the nominee’s resume or summary of experience to NYSCA by email at the address listed below by the due date.
Panelist nomination form
To nominate an advisory panelist, please complete the panelist nomination form and submit with the nominee’s resume or summary of experience. Please email [email protected] with all documents.
Fairness and the Panel Process
In order to ensure fairness in the application review process, applicants are strictly prohibited from contacting Panelists associated with and/or involved in the activities or affairs of the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) in any way to obtain or share information regarding the NYSCA application review process. This includes all activity associated with NYSCA at its main office, including panel discussions, and all communication with NYSCA staff including, but not limited to exchanges via email, telephone, or online system.
All data, materials, knowledge and information generated through, originating from, or having to do with NYSCA or persons associated with our activities, including contractors, is to be considered privileged and confidential and is not to be disclosed to any third party. This also includes, but is not limited to, any information of, or relating to, panel discussion, applications, and funding recommendations.
All inquiries about panel results and proceedings must be communicated to the NYSCA staff directly.