NYSCA Grantee Map
http://www.zvidance.com/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: Professional Performances

Youth FX
http://www.youthfx.org/Regranted by Wave Farm;Arts Service Organization,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:
Young Audiences/New York Inc
http://yany.org/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support
Young Audiences of Western NY
http://yawny.org/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support

Yonkers Historical Society
http://yonkershistoricalsociety.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

YMCA of Greater Syracuse
http://www.syracuse.ymca.org/The YMCA's Downtown Writers Center is the Syracuse region's only community center for the literary arts, offering a wide range of writing workshops, visiting author readings, the literary journal Stone Canoe, and other programs.
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs

Yarn/Wire, Inc.
http://www.yarnwire.orgYarn/Wire is a Queens-based piano and percussion quartet dedicated to 21st century music.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Yara Arts Group
http://www.brama.com/yara/Yara Arts Group creates visually stunning original theatre pieces that explore often-overlooked cultures of the East.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Yangtze Repertory Theatre
http://www.yzrep.orgYangtze Repertory Theatre celebrates and inspires artists who are global citizens through producing work that evokes conversations across cultures.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Wyckoff House and Assoc, Inc.
http://wyckoffmuseum.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Project Support
Writers Room Inc
http://www.writersroom.org/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support
Writers & Books
http://www.wab.orgWriters & Books is a literary center based in Rochester, N.Y. that fosters and promotes reading and writing as lifelong activities
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support
Writers & Books
http://wab.org/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;,Literature
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:
World Music Institute
http://www.worldmusicinstitute.orgWorld Music Institute is one of the leading presenters of world music and dance, offering affordable access to the arts to enrich lives, inspire wonder at the world's rich cultural traditions and foster cross-cultural dialog and exchange.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
Working Theatre Company
http://theworkingtheater.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Words Without Borders
http://www.wordswithoutborders.orgThrough its online magazine of international literature and education program, Words Without Borders connects readers of English around the world to the multiplicity of viewpoints, richness of experience, and literary perspective on world events offered by writers in other languages.
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support
Wooster Group
http://thewoostergroup.org/blogThe Wooster Group is an ensemble of artists, founded in 1975, who make work for theater, dance, and media.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Woodstock School of Art
http://www.woodstockschoolofart.orgWoodstock School of Art's mission is to offer high quality, affordable instruction in fine art, maintain stewardship of its unique and historic buildings for continued use as an art school, and provide opportunities which engage the community in allied arts activities and exhibitions.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support

Woodstock Artists Assoc Inc
http://www.woodstockart.orgFounded in 1919, the Woodstock Artists Association & Museum is a regional cultural center presenting a full schedule of exhibitions, events, and educational programming as well as housing an Archives and a landmark Permanent Collection of 2,200 pieces by historic and contemporary area artists
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Project Support

Women's Studio Workshop Inc
http://www.wsworkshop.orgSince 1974, Women's Studio Workshop has offered visual arts residencies, internships, and educations programs for artists working in printmaking, papermaking, ceramics, darkroom photography, letterpress, and book arts.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Women's Project & Productions
http://www.wptheater.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Women Make Movies Inc
http://www.wmm.comFounded in 1972, Women Make Movies (WMM) helps elevate diverse women directors and producers, improve equity in the film industry and assure that feminist films reach audiences through its internationally recognized Distribution Program and highly successful Production Assistance Program.
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
WMHT Educ Telecommunications
http://www.wmht.org/home/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Film Festivals and Screenings

Wingspan Arts
http://www.wingspanarts.orgWingspan Arts provides arts education programming to K-12 students in the New York City metro area.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning

Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls
http://www.williemaerockcamp.orgWillie Mae Rock Camp for Girls is a non-profit music and mentoring program that empowers girls and women through music education, volunteerism, and activities that foster self-respect, leadership skills, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support
Whitney Museum of American Art
http://www.whitney.orgThe Whitney Museum of American Art collects, preserves, interprets, and exhibits American art of our time, serving a wide variety of audiences in celebration of the complexity and diversity of art and culture in the United States.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
White Columns Inc
http://www.whitecolumns.orgWhite Columns is New York's oldest alternative art space, presenting the work of artists - from all backgrounds - who have yet to benefit from wider critical, curatorial or commercial support.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Wet Ink Music Productions, Inc.
http://wetink.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center
http://www.whbpac.orgHome to world-class performing arts, premier arts education programs dance, music, comedy and cinema from around the world.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
Western New York Chamber Orchestra
http://www.wnychamberorchestra.com/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Western New York Book Arts Collaborative
http://wnybookarts.orgThe Western New York Book Arts Center promotes a greater understanding of printing and book-related arts through education, creation, and exhibition for a broad and diverse community.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support

Westchester Philharmonic
http://www.westchesterphil.orgThe Westchester Philharmonic is the oldest, continuously running professional symphony orchestra and largest performing arts organization of any kind in Westchester County, NY presenting a main stage concert series at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College as well as outdoor and chamber concerts, children’s programs, and special events throughout the area.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Westchester Arts Council
http://www.ArtsWestchester.orgArtsWestchester is Westchester County’s designated arts agency, making the arts accessible to all county residents, advancing cultural tourism, and supporting a vibrant nonprofit cultural sector through grants and technical assistance to artists and cultural organizations; arts education for people of all ages; and promoting the county’s arts resources to local and regional audiences.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
West Kortright Centre, Inc
http://westkc.org/ Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support

West Indian Americna Day Carnival Association
http://www.wiadcacarnival.orgThe New York Caribbean Carnival is hosted annually by WIADCA. Founded in 1966, the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (W.I.A.D.C.A) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3, US tax-exempt organization and which develops, present and celebrates Caribbean arts and culture. WIADCA is currently led by William R. Howard,President and a Board of Directors.
Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support

Wells College
http://www.wells.eduWells College — a nationally recognized, private coeducational liberal arts college in Aurora, New York which celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2018 — provides a high-quality education to students through small, interactive classes in multiple disciplines and engaging coursework that prepares them to be active citizens and leaders in today’s world.
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Public Programs

Weeksville Heritage Center
http://www.weeksvillesociety.org/Weeksville was a rare, intentional community where free African Americans lived from around 1838 through the 1930's, as evidenced by the residential remnants of life in Weeksville, the Historic Hunterfly Road Houses.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
http://waxfactory.nyc/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Wave Hill
http://www.wavehill.orgWave Hill is a 28-acre public garden and cultural center in the Bronx overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. Its mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscapes, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Workspace

Wave Farm
http://www.wavefarm.orgWave Farm is a non-profit arts organization driven by experimentation with broadcast media and the airwaves. Our programs—Transmission Arts, WGXC-FM, and Media Arts Grants—provide access to transmission technologies and support artists and organizations that engage with media as an art form.)
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Regrants
Waterwell Productions, Inc.
http://waterwell.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

Watermill Center at the Byrd Hoffman Water Mill Foundation
http://www.watermillcenter.orgFounded in 1992 by avant-garde theater artist Robert Wilson, The Watermill Center is an interdisciplinary laboratory for the arts and humanities, located on Long Island's East End, that provides a global community of artists and thinkers with the time, space, and freedom to create and inspire.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field
Wassaic Project, Inc.
http://wassaicproject.org/ Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation

Washington Square Music Festival
http://www.washingtonsquaremusicfestival.orgThe Washington Square Music Festival presents free classical and classic jazz concerts in Washington Square during the month of June.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Warren County Historical Society
http://www.warrencountyhistoricalsociety.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Wakka Wakka Productions, Inc.
http://wakkawakka.org/site/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Voices UnBroken
http://www.voicesunbroken.org/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support
Voelker-Orth Museum
http://www.vomuseum.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Project Support
Vivian Beaumont Theatre Inc
http://www.lct.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Visual Studies Workshop Inc
http://www.vsw.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations

Vineyard Theatre & Workshop Center
http://www.vineyardtheatre.orgThe Vineyard is an Off-Broadway theatre dedicated to developing and producing bold new plays and musicals by both emerging and established artists.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Vangeline Theater
http://www.vangeline.comThe Vangeline Theater/New York Butoh Institute is a Butoh company offering Butoh classes, Butoh workshops and Butoh performances to the public in New York.
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: Professional Performances
Vangeline Theater
http://www.vangeline.com/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Arts Center,Dance
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

Van Alen Institute
http://www.vanalen.orgAt Van Alen Institute, we believe design can transform cities, landscapes, and regions to improve people’s lives. We collaborate with communities, scholars, policymakers, and professionals on local and global initiatives that rigorously investigate the most pressing social, cultural, and ecological challenges of tomorrow. Building on more than a century of experience, we develop cross disciplinary research, provocative public programs and inventive design competitions.
Primary Program: DESIGN ARTSFunding Category: Independent Projects
Utica College
http://www.utica.edu/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Public Programs
http://www.urbanglass.orgEstablished in New York City in 1977, UrbanGlass fosters experimentation and advances the use and critical understanding of glass as a creative medium. As the only non-profit organization dedicated to creative work in glass in New York City, our comprehensive, state-of-the-art glassmaking facilities and gallery space address a critical need for artists, by providing those seeking to create using glass the highest quality resources, coupled with the support and expertise needed to work in the medium.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Urban Bush Women
http://www.urbanbushwomen.orgUrban Bush Women (UBW) burst onto the dance scene in 1984, with bold, innovative, demanding and exciting works that bring under-told stories to life through the art and vision of its award-winning founder, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar.
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support
Upstate Films
http://upstatefilms.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
Upper Jay Art Center
http://upperjayartcenter.org/ Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
UpBeat NYC, Inc.
https://upbeatnyc.org/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning

University Settlement Society of New York, Inc.
http://www.universitysettlement.orgFounded in 1886, University Settlement’s model achieves success by providing comprehensive human services that meet the varied needs of our 33,000 participants on the Lower East Side and in Brooklyn
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
Universal Temple of the Arts, Inc.
http://www.utasi.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

UnionDocs, Inc.
http://www.uniondocs.orgUnionDocs (UNDO) is a non-profit Center for Documentary Art that presents, produces, publishes, and educates
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support

https://uniondocs.org/Regranted by Wave Farm;Arts Center,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:

Ulster County Historical Society
http://ulstercountyhs.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Ugly Duckling Presse, Ltd
https://www.uglyducklingpresse.org/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs

Tuxedo Historical Society
https://www.tuxedohistoricalsociety.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

Turtle Bay Music School
http://www.tbms.orgTurtle Bay Music School is a community music school that serves over 5,000 New Yorkers annually through lessons, classes, and public programs that aim to spread the transformative power of music to all who seek them.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Community Music Schools

Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Corp.
http://www.troymusichall.orgThe Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Corp. promotes and protects the acoustically unrivaled, National Historic Landmark Troy Savings Bank Music Hall; presenting internationally renowned popular, classical, folk, jazz and world music artists, educational programs, free community concerts, as well as providing managerial support for other cultural organizations in the region.”
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
Triskelion Arts, Inc.
http://www.triskelionarts.org/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: Rehearsal Space & Residencies
Trisha Brown Dance Company Inc
https://www.trishabrowncompany.org/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support
Tribeca New Music, Inc
http://www.tribecanewmusic.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Tribeca Film Institute
https://www.tfiny.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
Tri-Cities Opera Company Inc
https://www.tricitiesopera.com/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Trestle Gallery, Inc.
http://www.trestlegallery.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations
Treehouse Shakers, Inc.
http://www.treehouseshakers.comTreehouse Shakers is a theater-dance company that creates work for babies to teens. We currently have a Bi-Annual NYC Season, Numerous Residencies in both public and private schools, a Bi-Annual Performance Season in NYC and 6 original dance-plays on a rotating tour across the U.S.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Transport Group
http://www.transportgroup.orgTransport Group is a New York-based, off-Broadway theatre company that stages new works and re-imagined revivals, both plays and musicals, by contemporary writers that explore relationship and identity in modern America.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Traditional Arts in Upstate NY
http://www.tauny.orgTAUNY, Traditional Arts in Upstate New York, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people understand and appreciate the folk traditions and local culture of everyday life—present and past—in the North Country.
Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: General Support

Torn Space Theater, Inc.
http://www.tornspacetheater.comTorn Space Theater aims to create original, aesthetically innovative performances, to introduce internationally-renowned, contemporary performance to Western New York, and to cultivate the collaboration of actors, composers, sculptors, video artists and designers within our productions.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Topaz Arts
http://www.topazarts.orgTOPAZ ARTS, Inc., founded in 2000 by Todd B. Richmond and Paz Tanjuaquio, is a nonprofit arts center offering affordable rehearsal space and residency opportunities, assisting hundreds of artists in the development and presentation of their works in an artist-built 2,500 sq. ft. facility which includes a contemporary dance studio and gallery space.
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: Rehearsal Space & Residencies
Times Square District Management Association
http://arts.timessquarenyc.org/times-square-arts/index.aspx Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation

Tilles Center for the Performing Arts at Long Island University
http://www.tillescenter.orgTilles Center for the Performing Arts at Long Island University’s Post Campus in Brookville, New York has been Long Island’s premiere concert hall since the early 1980’s, hosting more than 70 performances each season by world-renowned artists in music, theater and dance.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support

Ticonderoga Historical Society
http://ticonderogahistoricalsociety.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

Thomas Cole Historic House
http://thomascole.orgThe Thomas Cole National Historic Site in Catskill, NY marks the birthplace of American art, where Thomas Cole lived and worked and where the Hudson River School of landscape painting began.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Third World Newsreel (Camera News, Inc.)
http://www.twn.orgThird World Newsreel (Camera News, Inc.) is an alternative media arts center that for 50 years, has nurtured the production and dissemination of media art by and about people of color, marginalized communities and social justice issues through educational distribution, exhibition, production, fiscal sponsorship and training.
Primary Program: SUPPORT FOR ARTISTSFunding Category: General Support
Thin Man Dance, Inc.
http://johnjasperse.org/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support

Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Foundation
http://www.TRSite.orgThe Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site preserves the home in Buffalo, NY, where Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office as the 26th president of the United States, and provides opportunities for the public to understand not only the events surrounding the inauguration, but also the lasting significance of his presidency.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Theatreworks/USA Corp
http://www.theatreworksusa.orgTheatreworks USA creates, produces, and provides access to professional theatre for youth and family audiences nationwide.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theatre Three Collaborative, Inc.
http://www.theaterthreecollaborative.orgTheater Three Collaborative, Inc. is a 22-year-old social justice poetic theater company, producing new plays from an ecofeminist perspective in New York City and on-tour in Europe, Obie award.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

Theatre of Youth Company
http://www.theatreofyouth.orgTheatre of Youth Company, Inc. (TOY) stimulates the imagination, nurtures the creative spirit and enhances the education of young people by engaging them in relevant, child-centered, and professionally-produced live theatre programs
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC, Inc.
http://www.tonyc.nyc/Theatre of the Oppressed NYC partners with communities facing oppression to inspire transformative action through theatre.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning

Theatre for a New Audience
http://www.tfana.orgTheatre for a New Audience, now performing in its first home, Polonsky Shakespeare Center, is a 38 year-old theatre company with the mission to develop and vitalize the performance and study of Shakespeare and classic drama.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Theatre Development Fund Inc
http://www.tdf.orgTDF is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing the power of the performance arts to everyone.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theatre Communications Group
https://www.tcg.org/default.aspx Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs
Theater Resources Unlimited
http://www.truonline.orgTheater Resources Unlimited (TRU) is a nonprofit organization created to help producers produce, emerging theater companies to emerge healthily and all theater professionals to understand and best navigate the business of theater.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field
Theater Mitu
http://www.theatermitu.orgTheater Mitu is a permanent ensemble of artists committed to challenging the parameters of theater research and practice. Their work is situated in the tension between acting and performance, theatrical design and installation, and multimedia and interactive technology.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theater for the New City Fndn
http://www.theaterforthenewcity.net/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theater Breaking Through Barriers Corp
http://www.tbtb.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Theater Breaking Through Barriers
http://www.tbtb.org/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Performing Group,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

The Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc.
http://www.ypc.orgFounded in 1988, Young People’s Chorus of New York City (YPC) provides children of all cultural and economic backgrounds with a unique program of music education and choral performance that seeks to fulfill each child’s potential, while creating a model of artistic excellence and diversity that enriches the community.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support
The York Theatre Company Inc
https://yorktheatre.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

The Whaling Museum Society, Inc.
http://www.cshwhalingmuseum.orgThe Whaling Museum is open year-round to explore the ever-changing relationship between humans and whales through inquiry-based education and interpretation of artifacts that emphasize the cultural, scientific and environmental significance of Long Island and the Sea.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

The Tank
http://www.thetanknyc.orgThe Tank's mission is to remove economic barriers from the creation of multi-disciplinary new work by emerging artists in an environment that is accessible and inclusive.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
The Talking Band Inc
http://www.talkingband.org/Founded in 1974, Talking Band creates experimental theater that illuminates the extraordinary dimensions of ordinary life.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

The Symphony Space Inc
http://www.symphonyspace.orgKnown for an array of ground-breaking programming, from our immersive Wall to Wall concerts to our Selected Shorts readings, SymphonySpace presents a full slate of original, affordable (and free) programs to the greater New York metropolitan area, and to the rest of the country through tours, public radio broadcasts, podcasts, and other new media outlets.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
The Symphony of Westchester, Inc
http://thesymphonyofwestchester.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
The Strand Center for the Arts
http://www.strandcenter.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Film Festivals and Screenings
The Shakespeare Society
http://www.shakespearesociety.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field

The Seventh Art Corporation of Ithaca
http://www.Cinemapolis.orgThe 7th Art Corporation of Ithaca—a non-profit media arts organization that encourages central New York residents to explore the power of film to entertain, educate, and to celebrate the human experience—operates Cinemapolis, a five screen art house cinema located in the heart of downtown Ithaca.
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
The Segue Foundation
http://seguefoundation.com/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Public Programs
The Rochester Contemporary Art Center
http://www.rochestercontemporary.orgRochester Contemporary Art Center (RoCo) is a venue for the exchange of ideas and a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) that was founded in 1977.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support

The Publick Musick
http://www.publickmusick.orgPublick Musick enriches the cultural landscape of Rochester and Western New York State by producing and presenting vibrant, historically informed performances of music from 1600 to 1800 and beyond, featuring local, regional, and national artists performing on period instruments.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

The Public Theater
http://www.PublicTheater.orgTHE PUBLIC THEATER is theater of, by, and for the people. Artist-driven, radically inclusive, and fundamentally democratic, The Public continues the work of its visionary founder Joe Papp as a civic institution engaging, both on-stage and off, with the most important ideas and issues of today.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
The Public Theater
https://www.publictheater.org/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Performing Group,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

The Playwright's Realm
http://www.playwrightsrealm.orgThe Playwrights Realm is devoted to supporting early career playwrights along the journey of playwriting, helping them to hone their craft, fully realize their vision, and build meaningful artistic careers.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
The Picture House Regional Film Center
http://www.thepicturehouse.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
The Paper Bag Players
https://thepaperbagplayers.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
The Paley Center for Media
https://media.paleycenter.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Film Festivals and Screenings
The OMNI Ensemble Ltd
http://www.theomniensemble.orgThe OMNI Ensemble is a chamber music trio of flute/WX-7, cello and keyboards, created to perform a uniquely flexible repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to the contemporary Avant-Garde, including improvisation and live electronics.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

The Olana Partnership
http://www.olana.org/Olana is the greatest masterpiece of Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900), the preeminent American artist of the mid-19thC and the most important artist’s home, studio and designed landscape in the United States. Olana embraces unrivaled panoramic views of the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains and, today, welcomes more than 170,000 visitors annually.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
The New York Pops, Inc.
http://www.newyorkpops.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
The New York Korean Performing Arts Center, Inc
http://kpacnyc.org/ Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support
The New Stage Theatre Company
http://www.newstagetheatre.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
The New Group
https://www.thenewgroup.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
The New Group
https://www.thenewgroup.org/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Performing Group,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:
The New Festival Inc
http://newfest.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support

The New 42nd Street
http://www.new42.orgThe New Victory Theater is New York City's premier nonprofit performing arts theater devoted year-round to kids and their families and classmates.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
The National Jazz Museum in Harlem
http://jazzmuseuminharlem.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
The Moth
http://www.themoth.orgThe Moth's mission is to promote the art and craft of storytelling and to honor and celebrate the diversity and commonality of human experience.
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support

The Metropolitan Opera Guild
http://www.metguild.orgThe Metropolitan Opera Guild is the premier arts education organization dedicated to enriching people’s lives through opera.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
The Mama Foundation for the Arts
http://www.mamafoundation.orgVy Higginsen's Mama Foundation for the Arts is a music and cultural institution in Harlem, with the mission to present, preserver, and promote Gospel, Jazz, and R&B through free music education for youths ages 11 to 19.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning
The Little Orchestra Society/Orpheon Inc
https://www.littleorchestra.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
The Laundromat Project
http://laundromatproject.org/The Laundromat Project (The LP) brings art, artists, and arts programming to community spaces, thus amplifying the creativity that already exists within communities to build networks, solve problems, and enhance our sense of ownership in the places where we live, work, and grow.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Project Support

The Kitchen
http://www.thekitchen.orgThe Kitchen presents performances and exhibitions by emerging and established artists within, and across, the disciplines of music, dance, theater, visual art, and literature.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support

The Jewish Museum
http://thejewishmuseum.orgLocated on New York City’s Museum Mile, the Jewish Museum offers exhibitions and programs dedicated to the enjoyment, understanding, and preservation of the artistic and cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
The Jazz Power Initiative at the Jazz Drama Program
http://jazzpower.orgThrough education and performance, Jazz Power Initiative transforms lives by fostering leadership, diversity, teamwork and self expression through jazz music, theatre, and dance.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning

The Jazz Gallery
http://www.jazzgallery.orgThe Jazz Gallery is America’s premier performance venue for emerging international artists who challenge convention, take creative risks and lead their field as performers, composers and thinkers. At The Jazz Gallery, artists and audiences come together from around the world to explore new creative ideas, collaborate and celebrate jazz as a dynamic art form that reflects our ever-changing world.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Services to the Field
The Ithaca Shakespeare Company, Inc.
http://ithacashakespeare.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

The Hyde Collection
http://hydecollection.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other,Multi-disciplinary
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
The Hofstra University Museum
http://www.hofstra.edu/museumThe Hofstra University Museum advances knowledge and understanding through its collections and exhibitions of authentic works of art from the world’s diverse cultures and provides the public with engaging interpretive programs and resources.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
The Hispanic Society of America
http://hispanicsociety.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Project Support
The Harlem Chamber Players, Inc.
https://www.harlemchamberplayers.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
The Green-Wood Historic Fund
https://www.green-wood.com/ Primary Program: DESIGN ARTSFunding Category: Project Support

The Fort Ticonderoga Association
https://www.fortticonderoga.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other,Multi-disciplinary
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

The Flea Theater
http://www.theflea.orgThe Flea is an award-winning Off-Off-Broadway theater founded in 1996, that offers cutting-edge theatrical and multi-disciplinary performances each season and gives voice to some of the most exciting and innovative writers of our time.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
The Flaherty/International Film Seminars
http://www.flahertyseminar.orgThe Flaherty aims to foster exploration, dialogue, and introspection about the art and craft of all forms of the moving image through its annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar in upstate New York, two seasonal Flaherty NYC screening series and the Flaherty on the Road programs.
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support
The Eyebeam Atelier
https://www.eyebeam.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support

The Episcopal Actor's Guild of America
http://www.actorsguild.orgThe Episcopal Actors' Guild provides emergency aid and career support to New York's professional performing artists.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field

The Diller-Quaile School of Music
http://www.diller-quaile.orgSince 1920, The Diller-Quaile School of Music has been developing the innate musicality in each individual, inspiring participation for a lifetime through individual and group music instruction, teacher training courses, concerts, master classes, and community music programs.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Community Music Schools
The Civilians
http://www.thecivilians.orgThe Civilians is a theater company dedicated to creating and producing work that dynamically engages our broader social and political environment through supporting artists’ efforts to interrogate our lived experience, question and test the stories that shape our world, and awaken new thinking and perceptions through their creations.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
The Center for Urban Pedagogy
http://welcometocup.org/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: K-12: In-School Programs
The Center for Fiction at the Mercantile Library Association of New York
http://centerforfiction.org/The Center for Fiction is the only nonprofit literary organization in the U.S. solely dedicated to celebrating fiction, and we work every day to connect readers and writers.
Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: General Support

The Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University
http://www.castellaniartmuseum.orgThe Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University has a permanent collection of nearly 6,000 mostly modern and contemporary works, as well as a well-established Folk Arts Program, offering exhibitions, tours, education initiatives and public programming.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

The Builders Association
http://www.thebuildersassociation.orgFounded in 1994 and directed by Marianne Weems, The Builders Association is a New York-based performance and media company that creates original productions based on stories drawn from contemporary life.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

The Brooklyn FilmShop Inc.
http://www.thefilmshop.org/Regranted by Wave Farm;Arts Service Organization,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:
The Brick Theater
http://bricktheater.com/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
The Axion Estin Foundation
http://www.axionestin.orgThe Axion Estin Foundation (AEF) produces programming, events and publications in a comprehensive effort to broaden understanding and audience for Byzantine Music in the United States.
Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support

The Art Effect at Mill Street Loft
http://www.millstreetloft.orgThe Art Effect is dedicated to fostering personal and professional development for youth through sequential, impactful arts and media programs that encourage youth to explore, experience, and excel in life.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Workspace, Art & Technology

The Albright-Knox Art Gallery
http://www.albrightknox.org/The Albright-Knox Art Gallery is the sixth-oldest public art museum in the United States and one of the oldest museums anywhere dedicated to the art of our time. Internationally recognized as having one of the world’s most important collections of modern and contemporary art, the Albright-Knox maintains holdings of more than 7,000 works and organizes a schedule of dynamic temporary exhibitions, public programs, and educational initiatives.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
The Actors' Fund of America
http://www.actorsfund.orgThe Actors Fund fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field
Thalia Spanish Theatre
http://www.thaliatheatre.org/Thalia Spanish Theatre's mission is to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of Spanish and Latin American culture with unique productions of plays, musicals and dance.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Tenet NYC, Inc.
http://tenet.nyc/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Temporary Distortion Theater Corp.
https://www.temporarydistortion.com/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Tectonic Theater Project
http://www.tectonictheaterproject.orgTectonic Theater Project is a developmental theater company based in New York City, dedicated to creating new and innovative works for the stage that explore theatrical language and form and that foster an artistic dialogue with audiences on our common humanity and the critical conversations of our time.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Teatro Circulo, Ltd.
http://www.teatrocirculo.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Teachers & Writers Collaborative
http://www.teachersandwritersmagazine.orgTeachers & Writers Collaborative (T&W) seeks to educate the imagination by offering innovative creative writing programs for students and teachers, and by providing a variety of publications and resources to support learning through the literary arts.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Regrants

Tarrytown Music Hall
http://www.tarrytownmusichall.orgPremier venue for live music in Westchester, NY
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Screenings
Target Margin Theater
http://www.targetmargin.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Tara Najd Ahmadi
Regranted by Wave Farm;Individual - Artist,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:

Tali Hinkis-Lapidus
Regranted by Wave Farm;Individual - Artist,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:
Talea Ensemble Incorporated
http://www.taleaensemble.orgHeralded as “a crucial part of the New York cultural ecosphere” by the New York Times, Talea Ensemble is comprised of twenty-one of New York City’s finest musicians, with a mission to build communities through innovative musical experiences, cultivate curious listeners, and engage audiences in musical creativity and exploration.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Taconic Opera, Inc.
http://www.taconicopera.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Syracuse Opera Company Inc
http://www.syracuseopera.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Syracuse Children's Theatre
https://www.sctkids.com/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support

http://www.ExperienceSymphoria.orgSymphoria is the new professional orchestra serving Central New York, presenting more than 50 concerts each year in venues across the region, ireaching an estimated 100,000 community members of all ages.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Sylvan Winds
http://www.sylvanwinds.comThe Sylvan Winds specializes is performing chamber music works for winds in all styles and combinations.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Swiss Institute
http://www.swissinstitute.netSwiss Institute is a non-profit contemporary art institution dedicated to promoting forward-thinking exhibitions and programming, open to the public free of charge.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Susan B. Anthony House, Inc. (The)
http://susanbanthonyhouse.org/index.php Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Sunset Park School of Music
http://www.sunsetparkschoolofmusic.orgThe Sunset Park School of Music, located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, is a music education and cultural institution continuing the tradition of offering high-quality music instruction to all who wish to participate - from Classical to Jazz to Broadway and more - available to children and adults of all ages.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Community Music Schools
Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art & Storytelli
http://www.sugarhillmuseum.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Project Support

Suffolk County Historical Society
http://www.suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org/Suffolk County Historical Society Museum and archival library serves to collect, preserve, and interpret the rich history of Suffolk County.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
SU Theatre Corp aka Syracuse Stage
https://www.guidestar.org/profile/15-0623468Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Performance Facility,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

Studio Museum in Harlem
http://www.studiomuseum.orgAs we prepare to construct our new home, the Studio Museum’s exhibitions, events, and programs will be presented as a part of our inHarlem initiative at partner sites and satellite locations
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

Studio in a School Assoc Inc
http://www.studioinaschool.orgStudio in a School fosters the creative and intellectual development of children through quality visual arts programs directed by arts professionals, and collaborates with and develops the ability of those who support the creative development of youth both in and outside of schools.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support
Strong Museum
http://www.museumofplay.orgThe Strong is a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play. It is one of the largest history museums in the United States and one of the leading museums serving families.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
String Trio of New York City
http://www.s3ny.orgSince its formation in 1977 on the Lower East Side of New York City, the String Trio of New York (S3NY) has been delighting, inspiring and thrilling audiences around the world with its singular acoustic improvisations and compositions for violin, guitar and bass.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
String Orchestra of New York City
http://www.stringorchestraofnyc.orgString Orchestra of New York City, founded in 1999, comprises some of this nation’s extraordinary string players in a critically acclaimed conductor-less ensemble; SONYC’s members rehearse in a collaborative effort that allows each musician to have an impact on the artistic process, therefore combining the flexibility and intimacy of a string quartet with the power and scope of an orchestra.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

http://www.streb.orgSTREB is dedicated to supporting and performing the work of choreographer Elizabeth Streb at home and on tour throughout the world and to bringing the audience and community into the artistic process by breaking down barriers to participation and access with new approaches to creation, education and presentation.
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support

Storm King Art Center
http://www.stormkingartcenter.orgOne of the world’s leading sculpture park, Storm King Art Center provides the setting for a collection of more than 100 sculptures and installations created by some of the most acclaimed artists of our time, and carefully sited across 500 acres.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Storefront for Art and Architecture, Inc
http://www.storefrontnews.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Project Support
Stephen Petronio Dance Company
http://www.petron.ioBold and ambitious, Stephen Petronio Company provokes creativity by embracing the past, present, and future within the field of dance
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support

Staten Island Museum
http://www.statenislandmuseum.org/Founded in 1881, the Staten Island Museum engages visitors with interdisciplinary exhibitions and educational programs that explore the dynamic connections between natural science, art and history based on its diverse collections.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences
http://www.statenislandmuseum.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Staten Island Historical Society
https://www.historicrichmondtown.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

Staten Island Children's Museum
http://sichildrensmuseum.orgThe Staten Island Children’s Museum provides children ages 0-8 with direct and authentic hands-on experiences in the arts, sciences and humanities in an environment that is welcoming and inclusive.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Standby Program, Inc.
http://www.standby.org/standby/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support

Stage Left Childrens Theatre, Inc
http://www.stageleftct.orgThe aim of the Stage Left Children’s Theater is to help children develop enthusiasm, confidence, self-esteem, communication and social skills via the vehicle of the theater.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: K-12: In-School Programs
Stage Dirs & Choreos. Wksp Fdn
http://sdcfoundation.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field

St Luke's Chamber Ensemble Inc
http://www.oslmusic.org/Orchestra of St. Luke’s (OSL), performs over 80 concerts a year, offers comprehensive music education and community programs, and operates The DiMenna Center for Classical Music, New York City’s only rehearsal, recording, education, and performance space dedicated to classical music.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

St Ann's Warehouse Inc
http://stannswarehouse.orgSt. Ann’s Warehouse fills a vital niche on New York City’s cultural landscape as an artistic home for the American avant-garde, international companies of distinction, and highly talented emerging artists ready to work on a grand scale.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
Springville Center for the Arts Inc
http://springvillearts.org/scaSpringville Center for the Arts is a dynamic, rural, multi-arts center with performance, exhibit, workshop and other arts programs.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
Spiderwoman Theater Workshop
http://www.spiderwomantheater.orgSpiderwoman Theater, the longest running Native American women's theatre group in North America, explores cultural, social and political issues of concern to the Indigenous and women’s communities.through theater production, training and touring
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

Spark Media Project
http://millstreetloft.org/Regranted by Wave Farm;Arts Service Organization,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:

Spanish Theatre Repertory Co
http://www.repertorio.nyc/#/Spanish Theatre Repertory Company is the leading theatre organization in the nation presenting and producing plays in Spanish for adults, seniors and students of Hispanic and non-Hispanic background.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Spaceworks NYC, Inc.
http://www.spaceworksnyc.orgSpaceworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding the supply of long-term, affordable rehearsal and studio space for artists working in New York City.
Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: Rehearsal Space & Residencies

Space On The Farm, Inc.
http://www.spaceonryderfarm.orgSPACE on Ryder Farm is a nonprofit artist residency located on a 222-year-old working organic farm in Brewster, New York, just an hour north of NYC.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field

Somers Historical Society
http://www.somershistoricalsoc.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Solomon R Guggenheim Museum
https://www.guggenheim.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Soho Think Tank
http://www.sohothinktank.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Soho Repertory Theatre, Inc
http://sohorep.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Sodus Bay Historical Society
https://www.sodusbaylighthouse.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other,Visual Arts
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Socrates Sculpture Park Inc
http://socratessculpturepark.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support

Society of Illustrators, Inc.
http://www.societyillustrators.orgThe Society of Illustrators celebrates and promotes the art of illustration; appreciates its history and evolving nature through themed exhibits, art education programs and juried competitions, all of which are open to the public.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning
Society of Educational Arts
http://teatrosea.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities
http://splia.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Society for New Music
http://www.societyfornewmusic.orgthee Society for New Music’s purpose is to act as a catalyst for the continued growth of the Central New York musical community by performing new music (Society All-Stars); advocating (Fresh Ink on WCNY), commissioning regional composers; awarding the Israel Prize to young NYS composers; and bringing new music to a broad audience. The Society for New Music ’s vision is to provide enough opportunities in various contexts so people of all ages in Central New York are conversant with the classical music of their own time.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Society for Chamber Music Rochester
http://www.chambermusicrochester.org/The Society for Chamber Music in Rochester offers performances to the greater Rochester community of the best in chamber music and excites interest and enjoyment of chamber music among people of all ages.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Soc-3rd St Msc School Settlment
https://www.thirdstreetmusicschool.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Community Music Schools

So Percussion, Inc.
http://sopercussion.comSō Percussion is a percussion-based music organization that creates and presents new collaborative works to adventurous and curious audiences and educational initiatives to engaged students, while providing meaningful service to its communities, in order to exemplify the power of music to unite people and forge deep social bonds.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Smithsonian Institution
https://www.cooperhewitt.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Smack Mellon Studios
http://smackmellon.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Workspace, Art & Technology
Slice Literary, Inc.
https://slicemagazine.org/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs
Slate Valley Museum Foundation
http://www.slatevalleymuseum.org/ Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Skysaver Productions Inc
http://www.skysaverproductions.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances

Skidmore College
http://www.skidmore.edu/summerSkidmore College is a highly-regarded liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, NY that boasts a lively array of summer arts programs and the Arthur Zankel Music Center, The Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, the Janet Kinghorn Berhard Theater and the Schick Art Gallery.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support
Skaneateles Festival, Inc
http://www.skaneateles.comThe Skaneateles Festival provides world-class music concerts each August in the setting of the beautiful Fingerlakes region of New York.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Signature Theatre Company, Inc.
https://www.signaturetheatre.org/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Arts Center,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

Signature Theatre Company Inc
http://www.signaturetheatre.orgSignature Theatre celebrates the playwright and gives them an artistic home by producing their body of work, delivering an intimate and immersive journey into the playwright’s singular vision.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Sherman Free Library
http://www.shermanfreelibrary.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other,Visual Arts
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Shen Wei Dance Arts, Inc.
http://www.shenweidancearts.org/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support
Shakespeare in Delaware Park
http://shakespeareindelawarepark.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Shaker Museum and Library
http://www.shakerml.orgShaker Museum | Mount Lebanon tells the story of the Shakers by stewarding their material legacy, including furniture, buildings, archives, and textiles; and fostering a community of inquiry around core Shaker values and practices.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: Workforce Investment
Shaker Heritage Society
http://home.shakerheritage.org/ Primary Program: DESIGN ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Shadowland Artists Inc
http://www.shadowlandtheatre.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Seymour Public Library District
http://www.seymourpubliclibrary.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Seventh Regiment Armory Conservancy, Inc.
http://www.armoryonpark.org/ Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
Second Stage Theatre Inc
http://www.2st.com/Second Stage Theater produces an adventurous range of premieres, musicals, bold new interpretations of contemporary plays, and unique theatrical experiences from America’s most dynamic 21st century writers, both on and off Broadway.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Facilities
Second Stage Theatre
https://2st.com/Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Performing Group,Theatre
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:
Sebastian Chamber Players, Inc.
http://www.sebastians.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Seagle Music Colony, Inc.
http://www.seaglecolony.orgSeagle Music Colony is the oldest and one of the most distinguished summer vocal training programs in the U.S. producing a summer season of opera and musical theater productions as well as an early fall season of outreach programs and new opera workshops.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Sculpture Space Inc
http://www.sculpturespace.org/Sculpture Space artist residency program is unique in North America for its support of sculptors, both those who come to Utica, New York, as residency participants and those who continue after their residencies as working artists. The organization selects up to 30 artists each year for two-month residencies and has helped to advance the careers of more than 550 national and international artists since 1976.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support

Sculpture Center Inc
http://www.sculpture-center.orgFounded by artists in 1928, SculptureCenter provides an international forum that connects artists and audiences by presenting exhibitions, commissioning new work, and generating scholarship.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: General Support

Schola Cantorum of Syracuse
http://www.scholasyracuse.comSchola Cantorum of Syracuse is an early music vocal ensemble which, since 1975, has been performing European classical music from the Medieval, Renaissance and early Baroque eras: music before Bach, as it were, from such masters as Machaut, Ockeghem, di Lasso, Byrd, and Schütz.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Schoharie River Center
http://schoharierivercenter.org/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning
Schenectady Symphony Orch Assn
http://www.schenectadysymphony.org/wordpress/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Schenectady County Historical Society
http://schenectadyhistorical.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Saratoga Springs Preserv Fndn
http://www.saratogapreservation.org/ Primary Program: DESIGN ARTSFunding Category: General Support
Saratoga Performing Arts Ctr
http://spac.org/ Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: General Support
Saratoga Int'l Theater Institute
http://www.siti.orgSITI Company is an ensemble-based theater company whose three ongoing components are the creation of new work, the training of young theater artists, and a commitment to international collaboration.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Saratoga Chamber Players, Inc.
http://www.saratogachamberplayers.orgThe Saratoga Chamber Players presents concerts in Saratoga and Warren Counties of New York under the direction of Jill Levy, Artistic Director, with a varied grouping of professional musicians from the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Salvadori Center for Built Environment
http://www.salvadori.orgThrough collaborative, hands-on, project-based learning, the Salvadori Center uses the design methodology of problem-solving to show students how art, architecture, math, and science are within the classrooms they enter, the bridges they cross, the parks they play in, and the buildings they see every day.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: General Support
Salem Art Works
http://www.salemartworks.orgFounded by Anthony Cafritz in 2005, Salem Art Works supports emerging and established artists dedicated to creating new, progressive work, and promotes understanding and appreciation of contemporary art within the region.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning

Sagamore Inst of the Adirondacks
http://www.greatcampsagamore.org/Great Camp Sagamore is the National Historic Landmark wilderness retreat of the Vanderbilt family located in the heart of the Adirondacks.
Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support

S'Cool Sounds, Inc.
http://www.scoolsounds.orgS’Cool Sounds promotes communication, mutual respect, and global awareness through ensemble-based musical training on percussion and recorders for K-6 children who lack access to arts education.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: K-12: In-School Programs

Rye Historical Society
http://ryehistory.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Historical Society
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Russian-American Cultural Ctr
http://www.russianamericanculture.com/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Public Programs
Rush Philanthropic Arts Fndn
http://rushphilanthropic.org/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations

Rubin Museum of Art
http://www.rubinmuseum.orgThe Rubin Museum of Art is an arts oasis and cultural hub in New York City’s vibrant Chelsea neighborhood that inspires visitors to make powerful connections between contemporary life and the art and ideas of the Himalayas and neighboring regions.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support

Royal Family Productions, Inc.
http://www.royalfamilyproductions.orgRoyal Family’s mission is to galvanize the Times Square community by cultivating raw talent, collaborating with seasoned artists, and inspiring audiences with a diversity of lion-hearted theatre.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Roxanne Dance Foundation
Regranted by Wave Farm;Performance Facility,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:

Roundabout Theatre Co Inc
http://www.roundabouttheatre.orgRoundabout Theatre Company is committed to producing world-class theatre and works to ensure our work is accessible to all audiences through wide-reaching audience outreach programs and nationally recognized education initiatives.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Roulette Intermedium
http://www.roulette.orgFounded in 1978, Roulette is a state-of-the-art performing arts organization whose mission is to support artists creating new and adventurous art in all disciplines by providing them with a venue and resources to realize their creative visions, and to build an audience interested in the evolution of experimental art.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Rosie's Theater Kids
http://www.rosiestheaterkids.orgRosie’s Theater Kids is an arts education organization dedicated to serving NYC public schools students in Grades 5-12 through comprehensive musical theater programming, academic resources and social support services.
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: K-12: In-School Programs

Rooftop Films Inc
http://www.rooftopfilms.com/Rooftop Films is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to engage and inspire diverse communities by showcasing the work of emerging filmmakers in outdoor locations, helping filmmakers to produce new films, and renting equipment and supporting film screenings citywide at low-cost to artists, nonprofits and community groups.
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Film Festivals and Screenings

Rome Capitol Theatre
https://www.romecapitol.com/Regranted by Wave Farm;Cinema,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:
Rockland Conservatory of Music
http://www.rocklandconservatory.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Community Music Schools

Rockland Center for the Arts
http://www.rocklandartcenter.orgThe Rockland Center for the Arts (RoCA) enriches the community through free contemporary art exhibitions (in five distinct spaces), a School for the Arts, a Summer Arts Day Camp, performances, special events, and outreach programs.
Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations

Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
http://www.rpo.orgThe Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra’s mission is to inspire, educate and engage our community through the art of music; The RPO presents more than 120 concerts per year, serving nearly 170,000 people through ticketed events, education and community engagement activities, and concerts in schools and community centers throughout the region.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support
Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC)
Regranted by Theatre Development Fund;Museum - Other,Multi-disciplinary
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category:

Rochester Museum & Science Center
http://www.rmsc.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum - Other,Visual Arts
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:
Rochester Museum & Science Center
http://www.rmsc.org/Immerse yourself in the incredible world of science at the Rochester Museum & Science Center: Follow your curiosity from the depths of the oceans to the edge of the universe and push the limits of your imagination to create never-before-seen inventionsóall at the Science Museum, Strasenburgh Planetarium, and Cumming Nature Center.
Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support
Rochester Lesbian/Gay Flm Fest
http://www.imageout.org/index.php Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Film Festivals and Screenings

Rochester Fringe Festival
http://www.rochesterfringe.comThe Rochester Fringe Festival is an all-out, no-holds-barred, multi-disciplinary visual and performing arts festival with more than 500 shows--a third of them free of charge--creating performance opportunities and paid work for more than 1,300 artists and an economic engine for the local economy by drawing more than 78,000 people into downtown.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Project Support - Presentation
Rochester City Ballet, Inc.
http://rochestercityballet.org/ Primary Program: DANCEFunding Category: General Support

Roberson Museum and Science Center
https://www.roberson.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

Roberson Museum and Science Center
http://www.roberson.orgRoberson Museum and Science Center is the area’s premier destination for community events, interactive exhibitions, and engaging education programs in art, history and science education.
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category: General Support
Road Less Traveled Productions
https://roadlesstraveledproductions.org/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
Riverside Symphony
http://www.riversidesymphony.orgRiverside Symphony, a New York-based professional orchestra founded in 1981 by conductor George Rothman and composer Anthony Korf, performs an annual three-concert series at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, and is recognized for programs that emphasize lesser-known repertoire.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Riverbank Historic House Museum
http://www.riverbankhistorichousemuseum.org/Regranted by Greater Hudson Heritage Network;Museum
Primary Program: MUSEUMFunding Category:

Richard B. Fisher Center at Bard College
http://www.bard.eduThe Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard, a landmark Frank Gehry building in New York's Hudson Valley, is a world-class destination for innovation and excellence in music, dance, theater, and performance.
Primary Program: PRESENTINGFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs
Rhizome Communications
http://www.rhizome.orgRhizome champions born-digital art and culture through commissions, exhibitions, digital preservation, and software development.
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: General Support

http://rhizome.org/Regranted by Wave Farm;Arts Service Organization,Media Arts
Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category:
Rhinebeck Writers Retreat
http://www.rhinebeckwriters.orgRhinebeck Writers Retreat provides fully funded residencies for musical theatre writing teams in the Hudson Valley and nurtures the creation of new musicals.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Services to the Field
Research Foundation/CUNY
https://www.rfcuny.org/RFWebsite/ Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: K-12: In-School Programs

Repast Ensemble
http://www.repastbaroque.orgRepast is a chamber music group that performs Baroque music on period instruments.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
http://rpi.edu/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations
Reg Lenna Center For The Arts
http://reglenna.com/ Primary Program: VISUAL ARTSFunding Category: Exhibitions & Installations
Reel Stories Teen Filmmaking Inc.
http://www.reelworks.org/ Primary Program: ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND FILMFunding Category: Workspace, Art & Technology
Redhawk Indian Arts Cncl
https://redhawkcouncil.org/ Primary Program: FOLK ARTSFunding Category: Project Support
Red Bull Theater
http://www.redbulltheater.comRed Bull Theater revitalizes the contemporary audience’s experience of the classics, shining a light on rarely produced plays in ways that balance a respect for tradition with a modern approach to the work.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support

Rector Church Wardens & Vstry Members of the Church of St Luke
http://www.stlukeinthefields.orgThe Choir of St Luke in the Fields is a professional vocal ensemble that specializes in early music that presents an annual series of five concerts in New York City.
Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: Project Support

Rattlestick Productions
http://www.rattlestick.orgFounded in 1994, Rattlestick Playwrights Theater is a 99-seat theater, based in the West Village, dedicated to producing provocative, ambitious plays that respond to the complexities of our culture, and fostering the future voices of the American theater.
Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: General Support
http://www.rattapallax.com/ Primary Program: LITERATUREFunding Category: Book & Literary Mag Pubs
Radiohole, Inc.
http://www.radiohole.com/ Primary Program: THEATERFunding Category: Professional Performances
Radio Diaries
http://www.radiodiaries.org/ Primary Program: SUPPORT FOR ARTISTSFunding Category: Film & Media / New Tech Prod.
Quintet of the Americas Inc
http://www.quintet.org/ Primary Program: MUSICFunding Category: General Support

Quest Youth Organization
http://www.qyouth.org"Q City Soundz", Enriching The Lives of Youth, Through The Musical Arts
Primary Program: ARTS EDUCATIONFunding Category: Community-Based Learning