
As a state agency that distributes public funds to arts and cultural organizations, NYSCA is committed that the programs and activities it supports are available to all the citizens of the state.

For any questions related to Accessibility, please contact NYSCA's Public Affairs office at [email protected] or at (212) 459-8859.

ADA/General Resources

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

The NEA maintains an extensive listing of resources pertaining to accessibility and universal design. The NEA web site contains the text of the ADA act, as well as the ADA Architectural Guidelines (ADAAG), an ADA compliance guide, and links to other useful sites.

New York State Human Rights Law

New York's Human Rights Law guarantees the State's citizens equal opportunity to "enjoy a full and productive life." including in public accommodation, housing, employment, etc. The law should be reviewed to understand the definitions of "disability" and "reasonable accommodation".

New York State Human Rights Law
U.S. Department of Justice

The ADA section of the Department of Justice's web site includes ADA law, updates on the law and how it is used and a good technical assistance program. The website offers information on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Access Board

The US Access Board sets the recommendations on architectural access guidelines. Their site has the ADA architectural guidelines and notices of proposed changes to the guidelines. There is always a period during which the public may comment on guideline changes. An e-newsletter is also available.

U.S. Access Board

Auditory and Visual Resources

League for the Hard of Hearing

The League's web site has a list of manufacturers and distributors of listening devices.

center hearing
Lions Hearing Conservation Society of District 20-Y2

The Lions Club will loan FM listening systems and other assistive hearing devices to non-profits at no cost.

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Hearing Enhancement

The RERC is a national project funded by National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) and the U.S. Department of Education with a mission of finding technological solutions for people with hearing loss. The organization conducts research, hold seminars and training sessions, and provides information to users on amplification and assistive technology.

Self Help for Hard of Hearing People

This is a comprehensive site to get an overview of assistive listening devices, descriptions of different kinds of systems, a publication list and much more.


TDF Theatre Accessibility Program (TAP)

Supported by NYSCA, TAP provides a membership service for theatregoers who are hard of hearing or deaf, have low vision or are blind, who cannot climb stairs or who require aisle seating or wheelchair locations. Funding is available for NYSCA grantees toward the costs of open captioning through TAP.

National Captioning Institute

NCI provides real-time captioning of performances, meetings, and other events.

National Captioning Institute
Media Access Group

Media Access Group provides captioning services for online and streaming media, live programs and teleconferences, film, television, and subtitles in a variety of languages.

Media Access Group
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Interpreting Services (DHIS)

DHIS provides NYC-area interpretation in American Sign Language, foreign sign languages, spoken and/or signed English and Communication Access Realtime Translation.

Hands On

Hands On provides sign language interpreted performances of theatrical productions, a monthly calendar of events for the deaf community and consultation services for arts organizations and consumers.

Hands On
American Printing House for the Blind

In addition to resource information and product catalogs on its web site, the American Printing House for the Blind will make Braille, tactile or audio versions of materials.

National Center for Accessible Media

The Center has done much innovative work in making media accessible. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Resources and technical information on web accessibility.